A few seconds ago, at a table not so far away from yours, though it may have seemed rather far to one such as yourself, but really, if you do the math and find the hypotenuse of the simple imaginary triangle made up of the distance between our tables and two lines meeting at the corner of the cafeteria door, presuming I have done my measurements and calculations correct, you’re table is approximately 1.2 metres away from ours. *pushes up nerdy taped glasses*
Ok, so maybe we’re not like that. Maybe we don’t all wear taped glasses, maybe we don’t all have pocket protectors, and maybe we don’t all fluently speak gibberish (although Korky's spectrum of animal noises is quite impressive, and a couple of us speak french). But it doesn’t matter to you, you label us for what we are. And we don’t mind. We’re proud of who we are.
We’re the nerds.
And who sits at that other lunch table approximately 1.2 metres away from ours? You. The emos, the scenes, the goths, the jocks, the preps, the jerks, the druggies, whoever you may be. It doesn’t matter. We don’t label you. But for some unproven scientific reason, it matters to you. So that’s what we call you.
But right now, you’re not important. Just try to keep up, ok? I hate it when people can’t understand simple things.
The bunch of us go to a school called St. Mary's. You'd think with the whole catholic thing and the whole uniform thing, there'd be no cliques. But there are. Academics will do that to you. Well, you people, not us nerds. Apparently it does weird things to your brain.
And as for the uniforms, they're blue. Not everyone looks good in blue, just saying. And despite our uniform wearing, the cliques start there. Who wears the uniform right, and who wears it wrong. Yes, us nerds wear it right. Well, for the most part. We're teenagers after all, we're born to rebel. Science has proved this.
So join our Nerd-tastic Motley Crue in our adventures through the strange smelling halls of SMHS (seriously! Some hallways smell like cookies, the next old gym socks, and the next that smelly body spray stuff!), for our 4 year adventure through the land you call High School, and we call home. But without further ado, let’s begin our patchwork tale of memorable moments. And where better to begin than a few seconds ago, at a table 1.2 metres away from yours...
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